Looking again at Australian Lives by Barrie Dyster

The first two volumes of the  Australian Dictionary of Biography  — A to H, I to Z—  were published way back in 1966. They dealt with people who flourished before the gold rushes of 1851. So began a massive enterprise of scholarly cooperation. From the start authors wrote lucidly within the limits of sources available to them at the time. The editors licked deficiencies of content and style into shape.

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A New Chapter

A few words from Gary Werskey

I thought some of you might like to know that I’m stepping down as Chair of the Blackheath History Forum, but remaining on as a member of the committee. After ten years working closely with the Forum I’ve decided to back off and get on with completing at long last my biography of the Anglo-Australian artist, A.H. Fullwood. It’s been a privilege to see the Forum go from strength to strength and receive such great support from other historians, the local community, and of course our loyal audience.

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Blackheath History Forum Committee chair, Dr. Gary Werskey celebrating the arrival of our new banner!

We also have a brand new Facebook page. Please visit us and “LIKE” us here: https://www.facebook.com/blackheathhistoryforum/  

Our Facebook Page will keep you up to date with all our events, and speakers. We also aim to provide you with a range of interesting posts focussing on all things history.

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